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'Diary'에 해당되는 글 6건
2009. 10. 15. 22:33

[Eng] Today is, the first day of October, I got some cookies called 'Bussolai'. It's said to be typical Burano Island's speciality. (As far as I know)

[ITA] Oggi, il primo di ottobre, Io ho recevuto Bussolai, il biscotto tipico di Burano.

[Eng] It was a gift from a lady in the second floor. When I was getting myself off from the elevator, she just gave me this... I don't know why...

[ITA] Questo era il regalo di la Segnora in secondo piano, Quando io ho incontrato lei di fronte a ascensore, lei mi ha dato questo.

[Eng] It looks nice and tastes really good, Try some if you have chances.
[ITA] E' delizioso, Provate

Link // Minseok

2009. 10. 12. 22:31

Well, Today is Sep/29/2009.

Before we say good bye to our precious September in Venice. We went to Chinese restaurant. There were many people... I remember at least 12 + 1. Many new faces from Gym (Palestra)

Prima di 

This is where we went,

As far as I remember I ordered 89(Soyu Noodle with meat) and 99(Fried rice with shrimp). By my mistake I got just 99.... After that I realized that I had missed my dish. I ordered again..

This is what I had.

I spent... around 17 euro... 
Total was 221 Euro...

Well.. the food was nice... 
But I miss Chinese Buffet in US, and another Chinese restaurant in Asuncion...
They are much better than Venetian Cinese restorante.

Link // Minseok

2009. 8. 27. 23:51

Creative, and Amazing Animation.
I think Pixar studio made a splendid work again.

I'm truly impressed..

2009. 5. 12. 00:40

It was on Saturday, the 11th of April, The Evanston Township High School Concert Choir performed in the Future Centre cloisters. No one came but me, I really enjoyed the concert.

Crowd in Future Centre

It was crowded enoght, Band was preparing the instrument, I met Mr. Alfredo, and also his wife and kid. I was able to take a picture from different views, (I could go up to my office and take a picture from 2nd floor.) For now, I can't because I'm not allow to be in a office in weekend.

Alfredo is taking pictures of the Choir

Okay, the beginning of the concert was Choir. Wonderful voices, perfect harmony, It was worth to be there. They were singing gently, sometimes jumping and dancing with the rhythm.

Evanston Township High School Concert Choir

Brabi~ Brabi~

He was so happy

After the Choir, Mr Saracco was making a speech in Italian and also English. : Quick introduction of the Future Centre and our goal, etc. Then, the Jazz concert began.

Mr. Saracco, Speech.

the view from the office.

Jazz Band

The music was so good, I'm pretty sure that everybody knows 'Cantaloop', The band made really good sound. One of our receptionist was dancing on the beat.

That's It! Next time you have a chance to be in a Concert. Don't miss it.!

Link // Minseok

2009. 5. 11. 02:33

Venezia, Street Artist

Just another same day as usual.I was walking on the street, Strada Nova in Venice. Nothing special, most of my friends were traveling to Slovenia. At the moment I'm writing this post, they are in Barcelona.

Sometimes I need a time to be alone, try to concentrate my current issues, looking back what I've done helps me a lot to know something valuable.

Beautiful Drawing on the street

Anyway! I was so lucky to find some wonders on Strada Nova street. There was a Artist who painting on the floor, and his artworks were one of masterpiece.

the street Artist painting Strada Nova

the last painting that I found so far

Next day, on my way Mestre, I found the artist drawing other paintings. So, I guess If you pay little attention on the surface of Strada Nova, May be you'll find some trace of his artworks. :)

Reminds me the Birth of Venus

Two days after, I went to the place again. I found the drawing was fading away. But, I guess, this drawing remembers me, and I will remember the first time I saw the painting.

the drawing slowly fading away

Even you know that your time and effort just disapper, We can not stop doing something that you wanna do. We all know that life is not eternal, but we keep trying to be better and making our lives valuable.

That's it.
I suppose the street artist tried to enlighten a Korean pedestrian, and it worked. I realized that life is always on the spur-of-the-moment, and that's why the documenting is important :)

Link // Minseok

2009. 4. 22. 07:16

Nice to meet you. My name is Minseok Kim (Alex) a.k.a Link.

I’m Korean blogger who likes to share the information about digital cameras and photography. I’ve been blogging for 2 years, and I’m a little popular blogger in South Korea. (Not that much, I have around 1500 subscribers on my main blog) Here you can check my main blog : (Korean only)

I came to Venice - Italy on March 18th 2009, and For now,
I’m working as Intern in
Italia Telecom Future Centre.


- Yes. It’s me. -

I’d like to use this blog in sharing information of my project, traveling, etc. Anyone who are interested in my project, here are websites which can help you :

I’m also active member of couchsurfing. Which means, if you have a plan to visit Venezia, you can try to reach me.

Couchsurfing is a kind of world change project for the travelers, host someone in your house completely trusting the stranger. It sounds insane but it works, and many couchsurfers share good experiences together. For me, it was kind of unforgettable memories of meeting people that you’d never meet in your life again. It’s was a quite unique experience.

So, pleased to meet you again, Welecom to  the Link’s Need Inspiration.

- Hope this blog goes well… -

Link // Minseok

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