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2009. 10. 15. 22:33

[Eng] Today is, the first day of October, I got some cookies called 'Bussolai'. It's said to be typical Burano Island's speciality. (As far as I know)

[ITA] Oggi, il primo di ottobre, Io ho recevuto Bussolai, il biscotto tipico di Burano.

[Eng] It was a gift from a lady in the second floor. When I was getting myself off from the elevator, she just gave me this... I don't know why...

[ITA] Questo era il regalo di la Segnora in secondo piano, Quando io ho incontrato lei di fronte a ascensore, lei mi ha dato questo.

[Eng] It looks nice and tastes really good, Try some if you have chances.
[ITA] E' delizioso, Provate

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